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Wedding Flower Quote

Prepared by Brandi


For your interest in our beautiful wedding flowers!

As always, please get in touch if you have any further questions about this quote.

We pride ourselves in providing top quality wedding flowers delivered on time!

Best wishes,


You are interested in this bouquet

This bouquet is beautiful that you found. This is our Kaplan Collection #2017347

We will add the greenery from the Tammy Collection #201920

to the Kaplan collection and using our sparkly gold ribbon.

Would like the gold roses more scattered throughout the bouquet - not in a line

Would like to ship in MAY


Please feel free to adjust the quote

You can adjust the numbers in the little blue boxes to create the perfect quote for you!

Bridal Party Flowers


Brides Bouquet

Made with white roses, gold metallic roses accented with greenery from the Tammy Collection and our stunning sparkly gold ribbon.


Large Bridesmaids Bouquet

Similar to the bridal bouquet but round but smaller wrapped in sparkly gold ribbon


Small Bridesmaids Bouquets
Similar to the bridal bouquet but smaller wrapped in sparkly gold ribbon


Toss bouquet


Add Scent to your flowers

We can add fragrance to your bouquets/boutonnieres and corsages.

The scent is available in

Wild Rose

Peony Bud


Lily of the Valley

Botanical Garden


Shipping Options


Free Shipping - Free 30 Business day shipping


15 Business Days Shipping - Flowers will arrive after 15 business days that the order is placed


10 Business Day Shipping - Flowers will arrive after 10 business days that the order is placed


6 Business Day Shipping - Flowers will arrive after 6 business days that the order is placed

Labor Day Sale 25% Off

If everything on the quote looks correct and you are ready to place an order

Just press the accept button below

Our Shipping Options

We offer 4 Shipping Options

30 Business Day Shipping - Free

15 Business Day Shipping - $40.00

10 Business Day Shipping - $70.00

6 Business Day Shipping - $180.00

Shipping times INCLUDE the time it takes us to make the flowers

Life's greatest moments

deserve the most beautiful flowers

Your wedding is going to be one of the greatest times of your life.

Creating the perfect wedding flowers for your wedding will create the perfect accents for you and your family and friends to share in your big day.

Read on to learn more about your customized wedding flowers, through which we'll capture the essence of this magical season and time in your lives.

Quote isn't quite right?

Email me and let me know what you need changed!


[email protected] |